Quick Start Guide: Current Conditions Dashboard
1. Access the Dashboard
Navigate to Dashboards and select Current Conditions. The map will load to display current air temperature readings across Wyoming. Each point represents a sensor site.
2. Explore The Data
The sites are color-coded based on the values they represent, Use the Layer List to choose other parameters to display on the map. Sites that do not currently have data are displayed as grey squares.
Click on any site to see all current observations available from that site.
3. View Historical Data
Clicking a site also triggers a time series chart displaying data for that site. It defaults to the last 7 days.
Use options to view data for different time lengths and variables. Depending on the type of site, the following variables may be accessible: Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, Wind Gust, Wind speed, Snow Depth, Precipitation Accumulation, Snow Water Equivalent, Discharge, Gauge Height, or Water Temperature.
Data is aggregated hourly by default, with the option to view raw or daily data.
Hover over the chart to see the mean (in blue) and confidence intervals (in transparent blue).
4. Slider Filter
The slider allows you to filter the sites you see on the map based on the sites' current observation value. For example, use the slider to only see the sites with the highest snow depth or those where it's currently below freezing.