The StreamGauge Data Analysis Tool enables users to download, analyze, and visualize streamflow data from the USGS with simple setup in R and RStudio. By plotting data from selected gauges to get annual value summaries, time-series trends can be derived. This is ideal for environmental science education and research.

Stream Gauge Data Analysis Tool
Analyze streamflow data with ease and visualize time-series trends using R
Tags: Rstudio Streamflow Analysis K-12 Education Analyzing and Interpreting Data Patterns Science and Engineering Practices ClassroomLearning
Posted on November 13, 2024
Problem the Tool Solves
The tool simplifies the retrieval and analysis of large datasets of streamflow and water temperature, helping users generate time-series insights and statistical summaries with minimal setup.
What the Tool Does
This tool enables users to download, process, and visualize stream gauge data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), including generating interactive line plots and calculating basic annual statistics.
Who the Tool is For
This tool is designed for environmental scientists, educators, and students interested in streamflow analysis, hydrology, and water resource management.
Key Features
- Download streamflow data from USGS for specific sites directly into RStudio.
- Select the sites, date range, and data types to tailor the analysis
- Generate time-series interactive line graphs or scatter plots to visually explore trends
- Quickly calculate key statistics for annual data (e.g. - minimum, mean, median, and maximum values)
How It Works
- Set Up: Install R and RStudio. Download the provided .Rmd file.
- Data Selection: Edit the R script to input specific USGS site numbers, parameters, and time frames.
- Data Retrieval: Run the script to download and store the data in a .csv file for analysis.
- Data Visualization: Execute the line plot section to create and interact with visual representations of the data.
- Annual Statistics: Generate and save statistical summaries, which can then be used for further analysis or reporting.
Application in Classrooms
- Introduce students to real-world environmental data analysis
- Use time-series data to discuss hydrology and climate impact
- Support data literacy and STEM skills with hands-on practice in RStudio
- Support NGSS-Aligned investigations